Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blogger Virgin

This is my first blog ever. I have a few comments to make-Why do I have to have three different names to get a blog. What is the point of having a URL, a name, and my regular e-mail address. I am not very computer literate, so that could be why I find all this naming so taxing. Also, it wasn't easy coming up with a blogger name-how did others pick out their names? Just curious. I chose Buddha Mom because that is what I aspire to. Well, here it is my first blog and now I send it out into cyberspace.

1 comment:

archivesinfo said...

woohoo! virgin no longer! I have been mamannon forever - even before I was a ma (ma was for my first and middle name initials and now it works even better since I am a real ma.) You have named your blog "mother earth," your pseudonym is buddha mom, and your e-mail is necessary because it links you to your true identity for official administrative blogger purposes. I hope this answers your questions. Now get to more blogging! (Because as you know, if you don't do it for a long time, you become a virgin again.)